You Are The Music In Me

You  Are The Music In Me

Monday, December 28, 2015

What is Christmas for you?

Reflecting with Christmas

         Christmas is my most awaited event of the year. The sound of the Christmas carols and the ringing of the bells that is going inside my ears, the tall Christmas trees with its sparkling star on top and the twinkling Christmas lights that is passing in front of my sight, the breathtaking view of the fireworks that is leaving a joy in my heart, the tummy-fueling foods, and of course that creepy mistletoe that is leaving a question inside my mind. This surrounds us every 25th of December and making it more magical. But have you ever wondered what Christmas’ true meaning is?

                      Christmas shows beauty but it shouts love and generosity. Having your family standing beside you with the presence of Jesus in your heart in the middle of the mass is what really Christmas meant to me. Giving wonderful things that you’ve received, sharing your memorable experiences with your loved ones, hanging out with your friends just carrying nothing but laughter and contentment is everything that completes my Christmas. But of course, this event is not only for the people who are still alive. It is also remembering the valuable people for us who already passed away.

                    Christmas is not wishing, it is hoping. I really want to visit my hometown in Magalang, Pampanga and visit my relatives at Minalin. I want to experience the feeling of riding the “Bangka” once more and I want to do the asking of “aginaldo” to my godmothers and godfathers again. Most of all, I want to experience the unexplainable feeling being with my “daddy”. How `bout you, what is Christmas for you?